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- INFO-HAMS Digest Fri, 15 Dec 89 Volume 89 : Issue 1024
- Today's Topics:
- ARRL Letter 01-Dec-89
- Description of InstantTrack
- Ham Radio Applications for Atari ST
- RST's in contests
- Source for 2SD845?
- Tentec Paragon Computer Control
- The un-net on 10meters on Saturday (1600-1800Z)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 14 Dec 89 21:20:42 GMT
- From: hpl-opus!hpnmdla!alanb@hplabs.hp.com (Alan Bloom)
- Subject: ARRL Letter 01-Dec-89
- Message-ID: <1250099@hpnmdla.HP.COM>
- Before 1972, I believe the only prohibition was against "remuneration
- for use of station". That is, you could not accept payment for use of
- your station. Interestingly, you COULD accept remuneration for
- OPERATING. It was quite legal to pay a "hired gun" to come in and
- operate your station in a contest, for example. That was also why
- it was legal for ARRL to pay the W1AW operators.
- I went to work at W1AW when I graduated from college in 1972. Not long
- after, the FCC "clarified" the rules to make it illegal to pay
- operators, and then had to come up with a whole new set of rules to
- again make it legal to pay operators of code practice/bulletin stations.
- Our tax dollars at work.
- 73.
- Al N1AL
- ------------------------------
- Date: 15 Dec 89 20:16:51 GMT
- From: qualcom!fpa@ucsd.edu (Franklin Antonio)
- Subject: Description of InstantTrack
- Message-ID: <1241@qualcom.qualcomm.com>
- i have received several messages via the net from folks who read the review
- of InstantTrack in '73 magazine, then wrote to the address listed there and
- have not yet rcvd a reply. The address listed was for Project Oscar, who
- allowed us to list their address, even tho we didn't know how InstantTrack
- would be distributed at the time the review went to press. Then, about the
- time letters were rolling in, the Proj. Oscar office was damaged in the
- San Francisco area earthquake. Everyone who wrote should receive a reply
- soon, from AMSAT. AMSAT will mail a one page description of InstantTrack
- to those who call or write. I have also taken the liberty of appending
- the text of that description to this mail...
- InstantTrack 1.00 Now Available for IBMPC 11/20/89
- =========================================
- InstantTrack is a new satellite tracking program for radio amateurs, written
- by Franklin Antonio, N6NKF. It provides all the features of the tracking
- software you use now, and many you've only dreamed about. See the review in
- Nov '89 issue of '73 magazine.
- Many of IT's best features involve the way that the user interacts with IT,
- and these are, of course, difficult to describe in writing. Nevertheless,
- here is a short summary...
- Speed -- InstantTrack is faster than any other tracking program
- period. Humans should never wait for computers.
- Ease of use -- Most commands are a single keystroke. Usually tedious
- functions are fully automated.
- Instant Visibility -- InstantTrack shows you the positions of your
- "favorite" satellites, even before you issue the first
- keystroke. The menu of 200 satellites shows you which are
- visible from your location even before you select a satellite.
- The menu of 1754 cities shows you which cities are visible
- from the selected satellite even before you select one, etc.
- Real-Time Displays
- InstantTrack displays all the information you will normally
- need to operate with any satellite on its real-time display
- screens. Information includes: Azimuth, Elevation, Range,
- Doppler, Path Loss, Squint, (all shown for multiple observers)
- Sub-satellite point expressed as Lat/Lon, Gridsquare, and
- Nearest-City, Cartesian Coordinates of Observer and Satellite,
- Satellite Rise/Set Time, Satellite Mode, Right-Ascension,
- Declination, Sky Temperature, and more.
- Graphics -- InstantTrack displays full color high resolution (EGA/VGA)
- maps of the Earth, showing satellite and observers position,
- two kinds of satellite footprint, grayline, etc. (Map projec-
- tion is selectable.) Users can also select either a diagram
- of the satellite's orbit showing orientation of the satellite,
- or a map of the sky, showing the satellite's position against
- the field of stars.
- You can move from map to map or satellite to satellite with a
- single keystroke, instantly.
- Automated orbital element entry -- InstantTrack reads the popular
- NASA and AMSAT format satellite element files and updates its
- database automatically. You need never again manually enter
- dozens of 10 digit numbers.
- Automated time setting -- InstantTrack automatically sets time on your
- computer by accessing the NIST (formerly NBS) time service via
- your modem.
- Satellite & Station Database -- InstantTrack supports a database of
- 200 satellites and 50 observer locations. A unique grouping
- feature allows you to categorize satellites, and perform most
- operations on either a selected group, or the entire database.
- City Database -- InstantTrack includes a database of 1754 cities
- worldwide. Locations of the satellite (sub-satellite points)
- and observers are displayed relative to the nearest city!
- Observing stations can be specified by entering as little as
- their city name!
- Grid Squares -- InstantTrack understands the gridsquare system.
- Observing stations can be specifyed by typing only their
- gridsquare.
- Satellite Covisibility -- InstantTrack shows you when satellites can
- see other satellites (i.e when crosslinks are possible), when
- satellites are in eclipse (in the shadow of the earth), etc.
- This display, of course, updates in real-time, so you can see
- crosslinks appear and disappear.
- Squint Angle -- InstantTrack computes the angle by which the satel-
- lite's antennas are pointed away from you. Helps you under-
- stand why quality of communications via satellites such as
- Oscar-10 and Oscar-13 (spin-stabilized satellites with
- directional antennas) varies.
- InstantTrack's graphics show you where a satellite's antennas
- are pointing. Maps display a contour line of squint angle.
- Stations within this line have low squint, and can establish
- the best links via such satellites.
- Path Loss -- InstantTrack shows the path loss between observers and
- the satellite in realtime.
- Schedules -- InstantTrack can show you the next three weeks schedule
- for a satellite , or one day's schedule for 20 satellites on
- one easy-to-read screen.
- Realtime Rotor Control -- InstantTrack supports realtime antenna rotor
- control via the Kansas-City-Tracker interface.
- Background Mode --A unique background mode allows you to track
- satellites & point antennas in real-time while you run other
- programs.
- Sun & Moon -- InstantTrack tracks the Sun & Moon as well as the
- satellites in its database.
- Fast Rise-Time Finder -- InstantTrack computes the time at which a
- satellite will rise over the horizon without the usual delay
- caused by stepping through small time increments between now
- and then.
- Tracking Multiple Stations -- You can see the computed parameters
- (azimuth, elevation, squint, etc) both from your perspective
- and from the perspective of the station at the other end of
- the satellite link.
- Documentation -- InstantTrack comes with documentation which is both
- Extensive and Tutorial.
- Online Help -- InstantTrack contains an online help facility which
- can be entered from almost any screen.
- Availability
- ------------
- InstantTrack is available from The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation,
- AMSAT-NA for $50. per copy ($70 if you're not a member) for individuals and
- non-profit organizations. Commercial users please call for price info.
- AMSAT-NA is a non-profit organization which builds and launches amateur radio
- satellites. The author is a member of AMSAT, but has no financial
- affiliation. If you buy a copy of InstantTrack from AMSAT, the entire
- purchase price goes toward the amateur radio space program.
- Post Office Box 27
- Washington, DC 20044
- Phone: (301) 589-6062
- Required Hardware...
- --------------------
- Any IBMPC, or AT, PS2, clone, etc with at least 512k memory.
- Any display type is ok for the text mode screens, but VGA preferred.
- Graphics screens _require_ EGA or VGA display.
- A numeric coprocessor (8087 or 80287) is NOT required, but it is recommended.
- A mouse is NOT required, but can be used on the map screens.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 12 Dec 89 17:14:05 GMT
- From: hpfcso!hpfcmgw!ron@hplabs.hp.com (Ron Miller)
- Subject: Ham Radio Applications for Atari ST
- Message-ID: <1690048@hpfcmgw.HP.COM>
- Reply to Doug Datwyler's request to move onto "important" stuff:
- I am of the opinion that scanning, swl, jammers, military communications
- and the politics and hooey associated with them are loosely related to ham
- radio and that the information is of wider value and interest than you might
- suspect. Persons interested in ham-radio are frequently also interested in
- other forms of radio. Those interested in other forms of radio might be prime
- candidates to become hams.
- Having been a ham for over half my life now, (I'm 33 and been licensed
- for 18 years), I have a far wider interest in radiostuff than just the
- limits of my Extra privileges. Ham radio has served me well in many non-ham
- places (such as at our RFI test facility here at HP, on the bridge of
- Navy ships, in the radio rooms of submarines etc etc).
- Politics is an inseparable part of ham radio. HR exists at the whim
- of Congress. Congresscritters are politically and monetarily motivated.
- If you want to ignore this aspect, you may find that there is no
- ham radio at all.
- If you find this stuff intolerable, just tune past it. You don't have to
- copy it all.
- Ron (old fart) Miller
- NW0U
- ------------------------------
- Date: 14 Dec 89 23:43:03 GMT
- From: price@marlin.nosc.mil (James N. Price)
- Subject: RST's in contests
- Message-ID: <1266@marlin.NOSC.MIL>
- In article <22367@ut-emx.UUCP> oo7@ut-emx.UUCP (Your Tax Dollars At Work) writes:
- >
- Perhaps someone should offer
- >a certificate for getting any report *but* 59 or 599, indicating that
- >you have actually exchanged some meaningful information with someone.
- >
- >
- >Derek Wills (AA5BT, G3NMX)
- It's too radical, man. Exchange meaningful information with a DX
- station?
- Merry Christmas to all--and a Happy Sunspot Peak to all of us!!
- --Jim, K6ZH
- ------------------------------
- Date: 13 Dec 89 17:59:10 GMT
- From: rti!tijc02!eri316@mcnc.org (Ed Ingraham )
- Subject: Source for 2SD845?
- Message-ID: <810@tijc02.UUCP>
- At a hamfest last year, I found a bargain power supply which needed just
- a little repair work. Now I know why it was so cheap! I need to replace
- some 2SD845 power transistors in it. Unfortunately this device and its
- replacements are no longer manufactured and I can't find anything to
- substitute which will fit the heat sink and circuit board (without major
- surgery).
- Here is my list of possible substitutions:
- Number Pd(W) Ic(A) Manuf
- 2SD845 120 12 Toshiba (original part)
- 2SC2562 150 15 Toshiba
- 2SC2921 150 15 Sanken
- 2SD745 120 10 Nippon
- 2SD852 100 15 Nippon
- 2SC2650 100 10 Toshiba
- 2SD851 80 10 Nippon
- If anyone knows where I can find about 4 of one of these, please let me
- know.
- Toney Hudson, KB4ORC
- (615)461-2320
- (or via the poster, WX4S)
- ------------------------------
- Date: 15 Dec 89 14:44:00 PDT
- From: "MUPPET::NIX" <nix%muppet.decnet@consrt.rok.com>
- Subject: Tentec Paragon Computer Control
- ===================================================================
- (PLEASE NOTE: the following is a `re-posting' of an item from
- about 3 weeks ago. Due to some system problems, I lost access
- to INFO-HAMS for several weeks and, don't know if anyone ever
- responded or not)
- ===================================================================
- I'm looking for some other Tentec Paragon owners who have, or are
- interested in, using the optional RS-232 port to control the radio.
- I have an Amiga Computer and, although there aren't any `canned'
- interface programs (for the Amiga), to provide access to the Paragon,
- I've had reasonably good results by using a public domain terminal
- emulator.
- I have documentation on the IBM (and `compatibles') BASIC program
- which Tentec sells and, have been using it to understand the format
- of the Status `word' (several bytes in length) that's supposed to
- come back from the Amiga. There appear to be inconsistances in the
- portion reporting the radio's operating frequency.
- If anybody's had experience in writing/modifying a computer program
- to control the Tentec Paragon, I'd be grateful for thoughts/comments.
- Paul WB5AGF
- Please Send Replies To: NIX%MUPPET.DECNET@consrt.rok.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: 11 Dec 89 22:36:23 GMT
- From: hpfcso!hpfcdc!perry@hplabs.hp.com (Perry Scott)
- Subject: The un-net on 10meters on Saturday (1600-1800Z)
- Message-ID: <7880097@hpfcdc.HP.COM>
- I tried the un-net last Saturday, and got assaulted by contesters. It
- also seems that each 5 KHz multiple is busier than the in-betweens.
- I do wish that contest organizers would set up band restrictions. 29.300
- through 29.600 was completely full. I had to go all the way up to 29.650
- to find an un-contested frequency.
- Perry (Down with Contest QRM) Scott
- ------------------------------
- End of INFO-HAMS Digest V89 Issue #1024
- ***************************************